Monday, December 17, 2012

Goodbye 2012... hello 2013...

The year is almost over, the racing season has been over for a while. Although I had contemplated a fall marathon, my lack of drive and dedicated got the better of me. But that's OK. I have had a great season and lots of fun doing other stuff in late summer and fall.
It is not always only about racing, there is more to life. I do not define myself through my races, I am more than just racing, and certainly my life is.
I late September I started swimming and noticed quite some improvement only to be stopped in my tracks by a 6-week pool closure. It is quite time consuming and complicated to find alternate "Swim space" close by, hence I have not been swimming since mid-November. I am fine with that because there is enough time left to get ready for a 3.8KM swim.
This brings me to the outlook for 2013. I signed up foe Ironman Canada and am stoked about it. 2013 was going to be my IM year as I am moving into the AG 45-49. I hope it gets easier to place or qualify for Kona, which has been a (vague) goal for some time.
But since I have a full time job and a life outside of the pool, the race track or off my bike, there is only so much time I can dedicate to training. I am sure it will be enough to deliver a solid race and even have a shot at a qualifying spot for Hawaii - if everything works out, of course. If work gets too crazy, I might have to redefine my objectives, but I will certainly be at the start line in Whistler on August 25th 2013!
Until then, a few kilometers will have to be skied, run, biked or swum (sounds weird but I think, it is correct!?).
Along the way I have planned for a few races to gauge my progress... First Half Marathon in early February, 50K Loppet in in late February, some road running races and BMO Vancouver Marathon in early May. I will pick my tri races later... I think it might be time for a change in routine.
So long...

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